M.V. Ananyeva, A.V. Kalenskii, A.A. Zvekov, A.P. Nikitin, I.Yu. Zykov
The optical properties of the cobalt nanoparticles in the transparent condensed matrices 628
E.N. Grishanov, D.A. Eremin, D.A. Ivanov, I.Yu. Popov, P.I. Smirnov
Periodic chain of disks in a magnetic field: bulk states and edge states 637
M.A. Jafarov, E.F. Nasirov, S.A. Jahangirova, R. Jafarli
Nano-ZnS thin films for solar cell 644
M.M. Khandpekar, A. Shrivastava, D.S. Gowtam, M. Mohape, V.P. Deshmukh
Prediction of glass forming ability in CuxZr1-x alloys using molecular dynamics 650
G.F. Kopytov, A.A. Martynov, N.S. Akintsov
The motion of a charged particle in the field by a frequency-modulated electromagnetic wave 661
I.V. Makeev, I.V. Blinova. I.Yu. Popov
Analytical benchmark solutions for nanotube flows with variable viscosity 672
A.V. Siklitskaya, V.I. Ivanov-Omskii, M.S. Chekulaev, S.G. Yastrebov, R. Smith, A. Slav, C. Morosanu, S.V. Kozyrev
Encapsulation of iron atoms between framgments of graphene planes 680
D.N. Vavulin, A.A. Sukhorukov
Numerical solution of Schrödinger equation for biphoton wave function in twisted waveguide arrays 689