№ 1

Nanosystems: physics, chemistry, mathematics
February 2021, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp 001-130


W. Borrelli, R. Carlone
Bifurcating standing waves for effective equations in gapped honeycomb structures 5

V.V. Kuidin, V.V. Zalipaev, D. R. Gulevich
Discrete spectrum Analysis using Laplace transform and Volterra equations (DALV-method) 15


P.V. Mokrushnikov, V.Ya. Rudyak, E.V. Lezhnev
Mechanism of gas molecule transport through erythrocytes’ membranes by kinks-solitons 22

D. Chevizovich, A.V. Chizhov, Z. Ivić, A.A. Reshetnyak
On the long-distance charge transport in DNA-like macromolecules 32

S. Leble
Domain wall evolution at nanowires in terms of 3D LLG equation initial-boundary problem 42

Ya.A. Fofanov, I.V. Pleshakov, A.V. Prokof’ev, E.E. Bibik
Weak polarization-optical responses of diluted magnetic nanofluid probed by laser radiation with polarization modulation 60

Priyanka, Savita Gill
Study of nonclassicality in fifth harmonic generation nonlinear optical process 65

I.S. Lobanov, A.I. Trifanov, E.S. Trifanova, I.Y. Popov, E. Fedorov, K.V. Pravdin, M.A. Moskalenko
Photon generation in resonator with time dependent boundary conditions 73


A.A. Ostroushko, K.V. Grzhegorzhevskii, S.Yu. Medvedeva, I.F. Gette, M.O. Tonkushina, I.D. Gagarin, I.G. Danilova
Physicochemical and biochemical properties of the Keplerate-type nanocluster polyoxomolybdates as promising components for biomedical use 81

V.F. Kabanov, A.I. Mikhailov, M.V. Gavrikov
Analysis of the energy spectrum of indium antimonide quantum dots with temperature changes 113

M.M. Khalisov, V.A. Lebedev, A.S. Poluboyarinov, A.V. Garshev, E.K. Khrapova, A.A. Krasilin, A.V. Ankudinov
Young’s modulus of phyllosilicate nanoscrolls measured by the AFM and by the in-situ TEM indentation 118

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