№ 6

Nanosystems: physics, chemistry, mathematics
December 2020, Volume 11, Issue 6, pp 618-741


A.M. Vorobiev, E.S. Trifanova, I.Y. Popov
Resonance asymptotics for a pair quantum waveguides with common semitransparent perforated wall 619


M.N. Potkina, I.S. Lobanov V.M. Uzdin
Nonmagnetic impurities in skyrmion racetrack memory 628

A.S. Bagmutov, I.Y. Popov
Window-coupled nanolayers: window shape influence on one-particle and two-particle eigenstates 636

K.R. Bushuev, I.S. Lobanov
Machine learning method for computation of optimal transitions in magnetic nanosystems 642

M.P. Faleeva, I.Y Popov
On quantum bit coding by Gaussian beam modes for the quantum key distribution 651

M.S. Shustin, M.N. Potkina
Effective easy-axis anisotropy of the two-sublattice single-chain magnet with twisted easy planes 659


Dedhila Devadathan, Baiju V., Deepa J.P., Raveendran R.
The Novel polyindole based ZnO / MgO nanocomposite adsorbent for the removal of heavy metal ions from industrial effluents 666

S. Sathya, J. Vijayapriya, K. Parasuraman, D. Benny Anburaj, S. Joshua Gnanamuthu
ZnO nanoparticles as solar photocatalysts: synthesis, effect of annealing temperature and applications 672

M.V. Dorokhin, P.B. Demina, Yu.M. Kuznetsov, I.V. Erofeeva, A.V. Zdoroveyshchev, M.S. Boldin, E.A. Lantsev, A.A. Popov, E.A. Uskova, V.N. Trushin
Nanostructured SiGe:Sb solid solutions with improved thermoelectric figure of merit 680

M.E. Belenkov, V.M. Chernov
Dependence of the electronic and crystal structure of a functionalized graphene on the concentration of chemically adsorbed fluorine 685

A.A. Naberezhnov, S.A. Borisov, A.V. Fokin, A.Kh. Islamov , A.I. Kuklin, Yu.A. Kumzerov
SANS studies of nanostructured low-melting metals at room temperature 690

A.T. Nguyen, H.L.T. Tran, Ph.U.T. Nguyen, I.Ya. Mittova, V.O. Mittova, E.L. Viryutina, V.H. Nguyen, X.V. Bui, T.L. Nguyen
Sol-gel synthesis and the investigation of the properties of nanocrystalline holmium orthoferrite 698

M.О. Enikeeva, O.V. Proskurina, D.P. Danilovich, V.V. Gusarov
Formation of nanocrystals based on equimolar mixture of lanthanum and yttrium orthophosphates under microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis 705

O.I. Shevaleevskiy
Perovskite solar cells: recent progress and future prospects 716

A.I. Shuklina, A.V. Smirnov, B.A. Fedorov, S.A. Kirillova, O.V. Almjasheva
Structure of nanoparticles in the ZrO2 – Y2O3 system, as obtained under hydrothermal conditions 729

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