Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math., 2024, 15 (6), 774–780

Synthesis of gadolinium titanate based nanocrystalline multicomponent rare earth oxides

Anton V. Guskov – Kurnakov Institute General and Inorganic Chemistry Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; guskov@igic.ras.ru
Pavel G. Gagarin – Kurnakov Institute General and Inorganic Chemistry Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Vladimir N. Guskov – Kurnakov Institute General and Inorganic Chemistry Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Konstsntin S. Gavrichev – Kurnakov Institute General and Inorganic Chemistry Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author: V.N. Guskov, guskov@igic.ras.ru

DOI 10.17586/2220-8054-2024-15-6-774-780

ABSTRACT Optimal conditions for the synthesis of single-phase crystalline and nanocrystalline multicomponent oxides based on pyrochlore structure gadolinium titanate have been determined. The parameters of cubic lattices were determined and the morphology of the surface of RE titanates was studied.

KEYWORDS retitanates, synthesis, nanocrystalline pyrochlore

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was carried out in the frameworks of research project “Solving the actual problems using charged particle beams of the NICA complex” (State assignment No. 1024050300012-6-1.4.2)

FOR CITATION Guskov A.V., Gagarin P.G., Guskov V.N., Gavrichev K.S. Synthesis of gadolinium titanate based nanocrystalline multicomponent rare earth oxides. Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math., 2024, 15 (6), 774–780.


[In Russian] А.В. Гуськов, П.Г. Гагарин, В.Н. Гуськов, К.С. Гаврпичев.

Cинтез нанокристаллических многокомпонентных оксидов редких земель на основе титаната гадолиния

УДК 546.06

АННОТАЦИЯ Определены условия синтеза однофазных кристаллических и нанокристаллических многокомпонентных оксидов на основе титаната гадолиния структурного типа пирохлора. Определены параметры кубических решеток и выполнены исследования морфологии поверхностнй титанатов.

КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА мульти-титанаты РЗЭ, синтез, нанокристаллическое состояние

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