Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math., 2024, 15 (6), 910–920
Prolonged antibacterial action of CuO-coated cotton fabric in tropical climate
Varvara O. Veselova – N. S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia;
Andrey N. Kostrov – N. N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia;
Vladimir A. Plyuta – Complex of NBICS Technologies, National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Russia, Moscow, Russia;
Anna V. Kamler – N. S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia;
Roman V. Nikonov – N. S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia;
Olga E. Melkina – Complex of NBICS Technologies, National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Russia, Moscow, Russia;
Vo Thi Hoai Thu – Joint Vietnam-Russia Tropical Science and Technology Research Center, Hanoi, Vietnam;
Le Thi Hue – Joint Vietnam-Russia Tropical Science and Technology Research Center, Hanoi, Vietnam;
Dinh Thi Thu Trang – Joint Vietnam-Russia Tropical Science and Technology Research Center, Hanoi, Vietnam;
Inessa A. Khmel – Complex of NBICS Technologies, National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Russia, Moscow, Russia;
Viktor A. Nadtochenko – N. N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia;
Mikhail G. Kiselev – G. A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ivanovo, Russia;
Vladimir K. Ivanov – N. S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia;
Corresponding author: V.O. Veselova,
DOI 10.17586/2220-8054-2024-15-6-910-920
ABSTRACT The paper reports the results of a large-scale testing of antibacterial textiles with extremely stable and long-lasting copper oxide coating. Using disk diffusion method, ICP-OES and specific lux biosensors it was shown that the coating does not leach copper ions into the environment. Laboratory experiments performed according to the ISO 20743 protocol showed high antibacterial activity of the produced coating, up to complete growth suppression for some strains. The long-term field tests were carried out in a tropical climate, at the Climate test station “Hoa Lac” (Hanoi city, Vietnam). The number of microorganisms on the textile materials remained within the range of 1–3% in comparison with the control sample for the entire duration of the field exposure (12 months).
KEYWORDS climate test, composite materials, metal oxide nanoparticles, ultrasonic cavitation, antimicrobial activity, field testing.
FUNDING The work on textile coating and physico-chemical characterisation of the obtained materials was carried out within the State Assignment of the Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The work on in vitro characterisation of the antibacterial activity of the textile materials was carried out within the framework of the Thematic Plan of the State Assignment of the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was performed using the equipment of the JRC PMR IGIC RAS. SEM measurements were performed using core research facilities of FRCCP RAS (no. 506694). The field tests were conducted using the facilities of the Program of research and technological works of the joint Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Research and Technology Centre for 2020-2024 (ECOLAN T-1.13).
FOR CITATION Veselova V.O., Kostrov A.N., Plyuta V.A., Kamler A.V., Nikonov R.V., Melkina O.E., Vo Thi Hoai Thu, Le Thi Hue, Dinh Thi Thu Trang, Khmel I.A., Nadtochenko V.A., Kiselev M.G., Ivanov V.K. Prolonged antibacterial action of CuO-coated cotton fabric in tropical climate. Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math., 2024, 15 (6), 910–920.
[In Russian] В.О. Веселова, А.Н. Костров, В.А. Плюта, А.В. Камлер, Р.В. Никонов, О.Е. Мелькина, Во Тхи Хоай Ту, Ле Тхи Хуе, Динь Тхи Ту Транг, И.А. Хмель, В.А. Надточенко, М.Г. Киселеви В.К. Иванов
Пролонгированный антибактериальный эффект CuO-покрытия на хлопковых тканях в тропическом климате
АННОТАЦИЯ В статье представлены результаты испытаний антибактериального текстиля со стабильным и долговечным покрытием из оксида меди. С помощью диско-диффузионного метода, ICP-OES и специфических lux-биосенсоров было показано, что покрытие не выделяет ионы меди в окружающую среду. Лабораторные эксперименты, проведенные в соответствии с протоколом ISO 20743, показали высокую антибактериальную активность полученного покрытия, вплоть до полного подавления роста некоторых штаммов. Длительные полевые испытания проводились в тропическом климате, на климатической испытательной станции “Хоа Лак” (город Ханой, Вьетнам). Количество микроорганизмов на текстильных материалах оставалось в пределах 1-3% по сравнению с контрольным образцом в течение всего срока испытаний (12 месяцев).
КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА климатические испытания; композиционные материалы; наночастицы оксидов металлов; ультразвуковая кавитация; антимикробная активность; полевые испытания.