No. 1

Nanosystems: physics, chemistry, mathematics
February 2025, Volume 16, Issue 1, pp 001-125


A.A. Manushkin, N.N. Potrakhov, D.K. Kostrin, K.K. Guk
Phase-contrast method for determining the size of the effective focal spot of a nanofocus X-ray tube 5

V.V. Kadet, I.V. Vasilev, A.V. Tiutiaev
Effectiveness of the use of nanoaggregates for polymer treatment in oil fields with hard-to-recover reserves 14


M.A. Popkov, E.D. Sheichenko, A.D. Filippova, I.V. Tronev, K.N. Novoselova, E.A. Trufanova, D.N. Vasilyeva, M.R. Protsenko,
M.M. Sozarukova, А.Е. Baranchikov, V.K. Ivanov
Peroxidase-like activity of photochromic PVP-stabilized tungsten oxide nanoparticles: assessment by independent chemiluminescent and colorimetric assays 22

A.A. Shutilov, M.N. Simonov, V.E. Fedorova, A.S. Marchuk, I.P. Prosvirin, G.A. Zenkovets
Design of highly active NixCo1-xAl2O4 (x=0.1-0.5) catalysts for the dry reforming of methane reaction 30

G.M. Boleiko, G.M. Zirnik, A.I. Kovalev, D.A. Uchaev, I.A. Solizoda, A.S. Chernukha, S.A. Gudkova, D.A. Vinnik
Synthesis and characterization of InGaZn2O5 obtained by nitrate-tartrate complex decomposition method 44

A. V. Kapishnikov, E. Yu. Gerasimov
Phase transformations in perovskites La0.6Ca0.4Mn1-yCoyO3±δ under the action of hydrogen 51

K.A. Trukhanova, O.S. Dymshits, I.P. Alekseeva, K.V. Bogdanov, S.S. Zapalova, M.I. Tenevich, A.K. Bachina, V.I. Popkov, A.A. Zhilin
Nanostructured transparent Fe2+-doped lithium aluminosilicate glass-ceramics with tunable optical properties: effect of heat-treatment regimes on near-infrared absorption 58

P.A. Popov, A.V. Shchelokov, V.A. Konyushkin, A.N. Nakladov, P.P. Fedorov
Application of the numerical model of temperature-dependent thermal conductivity in Ca1-xYxF2+x heterovalent solid solution nanocomposites 67

Sudeshna Kar, Yian Tai
Isomeric protected dipeptides generated stable bio-compatible gold nanoparticles 74

Salman Basha Sheik, Praveena Devi Nagireddy, Kiran Kumar Kupireddi
Experimental studies on thermal and physical characteristics of mono and hybrid nanofluids 89

A.A. Sumina, S.A. Selishcheva, O.A. Bulavchenko, V.A. Yakovlev
Nickel-copper-containing alloy catalysts for furfural hydroconversion: the influence of composition and physicochemical features on the distribution of reaction products in various modes 105

A.A. Kagilev, I.F. Sakhapov, Z.N. Gafurov, A.O. Kantyukov, I.K. Mikhailov, D.R. Islamov, A.V. Gerasimov, O.A. Filippov, A.T. Gubaidullin, O.S. Soficheva, O.G. Sinyashin, D.G. Yakhvarov
Synthesis, structure and noncovalent interactions of mesityl(phenyl)phosphine oxide glycolate based hydrogen-bonded nanosized organic framework 116

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