A.V. Pak – Volgograd State University, 400062, Volgograd, Russia; pak.anastasia@gmail.com
M.B. Belonenko – Laboratory of Nanotechnologies, Volgograd Institute of Business, 400048, Volgograd, Russia
O.Y. Tuzalina – Volgograd State Agricultural University, 400002,Volgograd, Russia

The propagation of ultra-short optical pulses in a thin film created by graphene grown on a boron nitride base will be considered, taking into account the environment’s dispersion characteristics, electron conduction in such a system described by the framework of an effective long-wave Hamiltonian for low-temperature media. The electromagnetic field is taken as classical Maxwell’s. We reveal the dependence of the electric field on the maximum amplitude of ultra-short optical pulses, as well as on empirical dispersion constants.

Keywords: graphene, propagation of ultra-short optical pulses, boron nitride base.

PACS 78.20.-e, 78.67 Wj


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