N.B. Tamm, S.I. Troyanov
Synthesis, isolation, and X-ray structural characterization of trifluoromethylated C90 fullerenes: C90(30)(CF3)18 and C90(35)(CF3)14 39

I.V. Mikheev, D.S. Volkov, M.A. Proskurnin, N.V. Avramenko, M.V. Korobov
Preparation and characterization of a new clustered {С70}n fullerene material 46

M. Yesilbas, T. L. Makarova, I. Zakharova
Fullerene films with suppressed polymerizing ability 53

A.A. Bogdanov, A.P. Voznyakovskii, A.O. Pozdnyakov
UV-Vis diagnostics of the PMMA – C60 composite system and the kinetics of its thermal decomposition 62

Y. Mackeyev, M. Raoof, B. Cisneros, N. Koshkina, C.S. Berger, L.J. Wilson, S.A. Curley
Toward paclitaxel-[60]fullerene immunoconjugates as a targeted prodrug against cancer 67

L.B. Piotrovsky, B.L. Milman, D.N. Nikolaev, N.V.Lugovkina, E.V. Litasova, M.A. Dumpis
Characterization of fullerene derivatives by MALDI LIFT-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry 76

E.O. Petrenko, M.V. Makarets, V.M. Mikoushkin, V.M. Pugach
Simulation of secondary electron transport in thin metal and fullerite films 81

1 response to FULLERENS

  1. Pouczająca lektura! Doceniam szczegółowość i dokładność. Szkoda tylko, że niektóre fragmenty są zbyt techniczne dla laików. Mimo to, świetne źródło wiedzy!

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