CAS of the American Chemical Society

The journal has been included in Chemical Abstract Service of the American Chemical Society. All issues starting from volume 4 No. 2 will be indexed.


2013, volume 4 No. 2

New issue of “Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics” has been published

You can look through its content and also download any articles you are interesting in here

It’s also possible to download the entire issue of the journal there


2013, volume 4 No. 1

New issue of “Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics” has been published

You can look through its content and also download any articles you are interesting in here

It’s also possible to download the entire issue of the journal there


2012, volume 3 No. 6

New issue of “Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics” has been published

You can look through its content and also download any articles you are interesting in here

It’s also possible to download the entire issue of the journal there


“Mathematical Challenge of Quantum Transport in Nanosystems”

First announcement

Dear Colleague,

We are going to organize a conference at St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Russia) on “Mathematical Challenge of Quantum Transport in Nanosystems”
It consists of “Pierre Duclos Workshop” and Young Researches Simposium.

Invited Speakers (confirmed):

Pavel Exner (Prague, Czech Republic)
Horia Cornean (Aalborg, Denmark)
Hagen Neidhardt (Berlin, Germany)
Valentin Zagrebnov (Marseille, France)
Konstantin Pankrashkin (Paris, France)

Registration: 29.12.2012
Full paper submitting 15.05.2013

To register, please, fill the Registration form at the conference site:

Preliminary schedule:

March 12, 2013 Young Researches Simposium (YRS),
March 13-15, 2013: workshop

The main topics of the conference are the following:

• Spectral theory,
• Scattering,
• Quantum transport,
• Quantum communications and computations.

Registration fee (paid on arrival) – 100 euro (book of abstracts, conference bag, coffee breaks, conference dinner).
For YRS – 20 euro (book of abstracts, conference bag, coffee breaks).

The Proceedings will be published in the journal “Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics”.

We would feel happy if you could participate in the workshop.

With best regards,

Igor Popov


New rules for authors

Dear colleague,
In relation with planned submission of our journal “Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics” to international citation index (Web of Science) we start to publish papers only in English. Of course, it doesn’t concern papers which has been submitted to the journal and special issue in honor of Academician Yu.D.Tret’yakov.
Starting from this day, authors should submit papers to our journal in English only.

Sincerely yours,
Vice Editor-in-Chief


2012, volume 3 No. 5

New issue of “Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics” has been published

You can look through its content and also download any articles you are interesting in here

It’s also possible to download the entire issue of the journal there


2012, volume 3 No. 4

New issue of “Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics” has been published

You can look through its content and also download any articles you are interesting in here

It’s also possible to download the entire issue of the journal there


2012, volume 3 No. 3

New issue of “Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics” has been published

You can look through its content and also download any articles you are interesting in here

It’s also possible to download the entire issue of the journal there


2012, volume 3, No. 2

New issue of “Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics” has been published

You can look through its content and also download any articles you are interesting in here

It’s also possible to download the entire issue of the journal there
