No. 5


I.S. Lobanov, E.S. Trifanova
Direct and inverse problems in the model of quantum graphs 6


M.S. Kulya, Ya.V. Grachev, V.G. Bespalov
Topograms production with use of pulsed teraherz reflectometer 33

K.S. Ladutenko, P.A. Belov
Nanophotonics integrated circuits simulation: FDTD method 42

A.G. Petrashen , N.V. Sytenko
Polarization phenomena in coherent excitation in the presence of a strong magnetic field 62

P.V. Tkachev, A.M. Krivtsov
Description of the dependence between the spall strength and strain rate for metals using Morse potential 70

A.S. Shalin, A.S. Kadochkin
Method of the “imaginary boundary” in the study of the optical properties of ordered nanostructures 76


A.A. Afonko, S.A. Kirillova, V.I. Almjashev
Ceramic and composite nanomaterials based on calcium orthophosphates 84

A.P. Belyaev, V.P. Rubets, V.V. Antipov, N.S. Bordei
Аbout mechanism of initial stage of formation of nanostructures in the conditions of super-low temperatures 103

I.Е. Gracheva, K.G. Gareev, V.A. Moshnikov, V.I. Almjashev
Investigation of nanocomposite materials with hierarchical structure based on Y-Fe-Si-O 111

A.A. Luginina, P.P. Fedorov, S.V. Kouznetsov, M.N. Mayakova, V.V. Voronov, A.E. Baranchikov
Syntheses of barium hydrofluoride and barium fluoride from nitrate water solutions 125

A. Orlova, V.V. Sokolov, J.A. Kukushkina, O.V. Almjasheva
C-ZrO2 nanocomposite based on thermally expanded graphite 138

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